
Pardon Services


Fast, Free Pot Pardons Available This Year?


The Liberal government has tabled Bill C-93 to amend the Criminal Records Act so that Canadians convicted of pot possession before legalization will receive a criminal pardon.

The Highlights

  • The usual filing fee of $631 will be waved.
  • The bill is expected to pass by summer.
  • The bill is aimed at simple possession.

Roughly 55,000 Canadians were arrested for marijuana related offences in 2016.

How Many People Will Be Eligible?

According to a recent CBC article “Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction Minister Bill Blair said research indicates as many as 400,000 Canadians have criminal records for simple possession, but the government expects between 70,000 and 80,000 are eligible to apply.”

Are You Eligible For A Pardon?

We offer free, private consultations to anyone interested in determining their pardon eligibility. With the number of people eligible in the tens of thousands the processing time could quickly rise. We recommend confirming your eligibility established ahead of time.

Please feel free to call us at (204) 453-0099, or use the contact form on this page.