
Pardon Services

Criminal Record Checks Winnipeg

Employers & Criminal Record Checks

Criminal Record Checks WinnipegAfter a person completes their conditions imposed on a conviction, you might think their “payback” to society is completed and technically it is. However there is one last thing to do in order to get rid of the criminal record which can’t affect employment, education and travel. Unfortunately, until the waiting period of 5 or 10 years is complete, the effects of that conviction can still be felt.

After time is served & all conviction conditions are met, a criminal record remains.

Can Employers Check Your Criminal Record?

An employer is within their rights to ask you to get a “record check” but, you must consent in writing for the record check to be performed. No consent form means a record check can’t be performed even though the employer has your personal information.

Employers can’t discriminate on race, religion, or and any number of things. But they can choose not to hire based on a criminal record.

There Are Different Types of Record Checks

The first is a criminal record check that reports criminal record and judicial matters. The second includes a more in depth record check for the “Vulnerable Sector”. This is a police record check that includes addition screening to see if a person has a record suspension (pardon) for sexual offences.

Criminal record checks are also known as: CRC’s, police checks, police certificates, police clearances, criminal background checks.

Can A Criminal Record Affect Education?

Yes, a record can prevent entry into any number of professional educational programs. For example, medical courses such as nursing, radiology, etc. will require criminal record checks. Also, courses for teaching often require criminal record checks. It is always best to check with the educational institution before making plans.

Who Can View A Criminal Record?

There is still one important matter to content with, Criminal records are freely accessible to all levels of law enforcement. This includes local (city police), provincial, national and can extend to international law enforcement organizations that include Customs & Border Patrol of the United States or INTERPOL.

Winnipeg Criminal Record Checks

Pardon Services in Winnipeg is a RCMP certified for electronic fingerprints and can provide certified criminal record checks. A certified record check goes beyond the simple date of birth and name record check, It requires a person to have their fingerprints taken electronically at our office.

We offer same and next day appointments. Call us at (204) 453-0099

How To Erase A Criminal Record

A record suspension (criminal pardon) will permanently seal your conviction from a criminal background check and police agencies. Pardon Services can help you determine your pardon eligibility with a free, private consultation. Simply call us at (204) 453-0099.


We are open Monday to Friday 9AM–4:30PM CST