
Pardon Services (204) 453-0099

Criminal Record Checks Winnipeg

Free Cannabis Record Suspensions

Criminal Record Checks Winnipeg

As of August 1st you can now apply for a free cannabis record suspension (“Pot Pardon”). Some 400,000 Canadians are expected to be eligible. While the pardon application is free, the are some services needed that will cost a few dollars and some paperwork.

Pardon Services is RCMP accredited for electronic fingerprinting & record checks.

The First Step

The first part of the step 1 is to:

Get your fingerprints taken by visiting an accredited fingerprinting company or a police service that can submit your fingerprints electronically.

After that you will receive your criminal record and can continue to follow the rest of step 1 outlined here.

Steps To A Free Cannabis Record Suspension:

What is required for the Parole Board of Canada’s “Pot Pardon” process is very similar to what is required for a normal Record Suspension application. Pardon Services can assist in obtaining the required documents and submitting the application.

U.S. Travel & U.S. Waivers

Although the free cannabis record suspension is will seal your criminal record, travel to the United States will likely still require a U.S. Waiver. We have read that Canada’s Minister of Public Safety, Ralph Goodale, has initiated talks with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to ensure they have the latest updates to CPIC criminal records. While your record won’t show, you may eventually be asked if you have ever used cannabis or been charged with a crime including simple possession. At that point you won’t be allowed into the U.S. A U.S. waiver ensures you eligibility to enter the U.S. You can read more on our U.S. waiver page.

Pardon Services has helps thousands of Canadians successfully apply for a waiver.

Are You Eligible for A “Pot Pardon”?

For a free private pardon eligibility consultation by phone or in person, call us at 204-453-0099 or use the form on this page.