
Pardon Services (204) 453-0099

Winnipeg Criminal Record Check

Winnipeg Criminal Record Check

Canadian Criminal Record Check

We provide criminal record checks for the same purposes that the Winnipeg Police Services and RCMP do, with the exception of Vulnerable Sector searches.

We are a R.C.M.P accredited fingerprinting agency via our affiliation with Identogo by Idemia.

Next day fingerprinting for record check appointments available by calling 1-204-453-0099.

Request for Criminal Record Check

Criminal Record Transcripts

To obtain a transcript of criminal convictions recorded in the National Repository of Ottawa through the R.C.M.P. you must apply with a copy of your fingerprints taken digitally. The digital fingerprints are forwarded electronically to Ottawa and the results will be mailed to your home address. The fingerprint procedure only takes a few minutes and we do ask that you make an appointment. Next day appointments for criminal record checks are available.

Police Certificate for Immigration & Entering Canada

When you apply to become a permanent resident in Canada, you must provide police certificates.

You may need a criminal record check / security check also known as a police certificate, if you are coming to Canada as a:

  • caregiver,
  • tourist,
  • student or
  • temporary worker.

Canadian Visa officers use police certificates to check your criminal record to determine if you are a security risk to Canada. There are specific application instructions for the program you are applying for.

Foreign Criminal Record Checks & Fingerprinting

People that require a criminal record check from authorities in another country are welcome to bring in the required fingerprint form. These forms usually require ink fingerprints that we can perform here in our office by appointment.

Privacy & Convenience

Pardon Services is located at B-103 Scurfield Blvd. in a quiet office building that offers complete privacy and free parking.

How To Get Your Criminal Record Check / Transcript in Winnipeg:

A certified criminal record check requires either digital fingerprinting or ink and roll fingerprinting which is available by appointment only.

Simply give us a call at 1-204-453-0099 or e-mail us: to book your appointment today. For our latest hours see our contact us page.