
Pardon Services (204) 453-0099

US Entry Waivers for Canadians

Pardon Services Winnipeg specializes in assisting those living in Canada who possesses a criminal record to obtain a US entry waiver, please contact our office for more details on how we can help you apply today.

  • Allows hassle free US Border Crossing.
  • Most people with a criminal record will require a Canadian Record Suspension.
  • Avoids seizure of your vehicle fines and or a jail sentence.

A US entry waiver is a document granted by US Customs & Border Protection and allows hassle free entry into the United States. Any Canadian or Permanent Resident possessing a Canadian criminal record (or if you have been denied entry into the U.S.) should contact Winnipeg Pardon Services Enterprises Manitoba to determine their eligibility to receive a US Entry waiver. To continue to travel without a US entry waiver may result in the seizure of your vehicle, monetary fines, or a possible jail sentence. A US Entry waiver allows one to travel for business or pleasure. It is not permission to work or reside in the U.S.

Free US Waiver Consultations

We offer a free, confidential consultation that can be done either over the phone or in person. Call Mitch directly at (204) 453-0099 and start the process to erase your record today!

Who Can Apply For A Us Waiver?

Anyone who has been convicted under the Criminal Code, or received a Conditional Discharge, for either a drug offence, or a Crime Involving Moral Turpitude will most likely require a US waiver. Most people that possess a Canadian criminal record will need a US entry waiver to ensure entry into the U.S. By simply obtaining a copy of the criminal record through the local police department, Pardon Services can easily assess eligibility requirements.

Criteria Necessary For A Us Entry Waiver

The U.S. government examines each application individually to determine the need for a US entry waiver. Although there are no clear cut requirements, the immigration office will look at the length of the time elapsed since the last offense, severity of offense, work history, and reason for travel. Based upon the information presented, the U.S. government will formulate their decision.

Why Apply For A Us Entry Waiver?

The U.S. Border Authority has every right to question, examine and reject any person attempting to pass through the US border that does not possess a waiver. Should one attempt to cross, (that has a criminal record) and does not relay this information to the U.S. Official; they are in jeopardy of having their car confiscated, monetary fines and possible incarceration.

Once a waiver is granted, you must produce this document when entering the U.S. The officer still has the right to question you. A waiver will permit you to travel to the U.S. for vacation, business purposes or training. It does not allow you to work in the U.S. for a U.S. employer.

Us Entry Waiver Duration

An US entry waiver can be granted for a period of one year or up to five years. A one-year waiver means that you must re-apply before the expiry date in order to ensure that the initial entry waiver has not expired.

US Entry Waiver Processing

Winnipeg Pardon Services will assist those in need of applying for a US entry waiver. A full set of fingerprints is required. Forms will be provided by Pardon Services. Any court documents or police records will be beneficial in determining the eligibility of the application. The application process can also be completed by mail for those residing outside Winnipeg, Manitoba.


A US Entry waiver granted by the U.S. government is only recognized in their country. Anyone possessing a criminal record should also apply for a Canadian pardon. A Canadian pardon is granted by the Canadian government after a specified amount of time has elapsed following the last criminal conviction. A pardon will seal all records in Canada only, and no one can access these records. A pardon will aid in seeking employment, bondability and travel to foreign countries. A Canadian pardon will not be recognized in the United States, therefore a US entry waiver is still necessary when traveling south.